1st Trimester

Worried about bleeding and cramping - 4 weeks

Hi everyone,

Just got my first ever BFPs over the last couple of days (about 4 weeks from my LMP); excited but also very nervous because also over the last couple days I've had cramping and bleeding.  Not horrible cramping, but more than "minor".  The spotting is mostly brownish, but occassionally reddish and sometimes enough that there is a drop or two in the toilet.  And some on my underwear (so not just when I wipe).  But definitely nowhere near a period.  Sorry if this is TMI.  Anyway, I have combed every website possible but thought I would see if anyone here can give me hope that you've had this and so far your pregnancy/baby is ok.  I am seeing my doctor in the morning but thought it might make me feel better to hear about others having this (I've read of lots of ladies who have had cramps OR bleeding this early; or both but just small amounts of brown when they wipe, etc.).  Any words of encouragement would be much appreciated, thank you!

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