1st Trimester

Gut feeling.

Okay so I have my major worries just like most of the pregnant ladies in first tri, but there is this nagging gut feeling that this baby is going to stick.  So I keep wanting to tell my DD that we are going to have a baby.  The last time though we told her (I did not have a gut feeling it would stick, the opposite actually) because we really didn't think I would m/c.  Well that happened and I had to break the sad news to my 4 year old.  She sat there trying to understand, and then asked me why I tricked her.  Biggest kick to the stomach I have ever felt!  And then months later she still would say I tricked her.  So obviously I am very hesitant about telling her now, but I wanted to see what all of you thought.  When should I tell DD about this next baby...and come to think of it...how do I explain this one is different than the last one?
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