1st Trimester

OB Orientation at Walter Reed at Bethesda

My Husband and I live about 45 minutes from WRNMMC at Bethesda and we just found out we are expecting our first child!  The Naval Health Clinic here does not have the means to deliver but I can be seen by someone there in the mean time.  We do have to go to the OB Orientation at Bethesda though and I was wondering what to expect and how often they have them?  Also, should my husband go with me to the orientation?  I am waiting for my referral to go through to Bethesda and then will make the appointment.  I am not sure how far along I am right now... anywhere from 4-6 weeks probably.  We would love to go ahead and have an ultrasound but it doesn't sound like they always do them at the orientations.  I have been told I have to wait until 10 weeks and can then be seen by someone at the Naval Health Clinic in my town, which is fine.  Has anyone been in a similar situation and does anyone have advice as to if I should see the doc in my town or goes to Bethesda for every prenatal appointment?  Oh and we will be moving right around my due date.... so many things to consider.  Any help would be great!
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