Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

just got home from hospital

Just made it home from Dc. My heart is so sad to come home empty handed when I was suppose to bring home a baby. I worried all night long about my baby being treated as "medical waste " it broke my heart to think of her being thrown away like nothing. I was SO RELIEVED to find out that our hospital partners with a local funeral home. They creamate each baby and wrap them in a cloth and place them in a baby urn. They keep adding babies until its full and then send out invites to families who wish to participate in a burial service at a local cemetery. Its nice to know I will have a special place to visit my baby on rough days. They do this all free of charge and I am so grateful. Its comforting to know my baby will be with other little angels. While my heart is still raw, this definitely helps.
BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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