1st Trimester

No Symptoms!

I am 5 weeks pregnant today.  I?ve taken 3 HPT that came up positive and I got a positive blood test as well.  However, I have NO symptoms!!!  Other than being tired, going pee frequently (b/c I drink 3 liters of water a day), and my boobs are slightly bigger.  I have had no nausea, no vomiting, no soreness in my boobs, no back aches?nothing!  I don?t feel pregnant at all.  Plus, we are going through midwifery and they won?t see me until I am 10 weeks along.  This is absolute torture not knowing if everything is ok, if my baby has a heartbeat, or if I?m even really pregnant!  Should I schedule an Ultra Sound elsewhere for peace of mind?  We want to tell immediate family members, but I am way too scared to until we know for sure everything is okay.  Has anyone else had these issues of not feeling pregnant and having to wait so long?!  How do I cope?


Thanks in advance!

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