1st Trimester

prenatal testing - plans?

Last time around I was 26 and we had the NT Scan done in the 1st trimester followed by the Quad Screen in the second. I also have OCD and general anxiety and was plagued in the 3rd tri by the fact that those tests only give probabilities and that there could still be something wrong with the baby (and I fully understood the irrationality of my thinking - I'm a statistician so I know that 1 in 5000 is phenomenal odds).

This time around I'm strongly considering either the early amnio or the CVS test. I already have an appointment to discuss the risks of both with my OB. I'm 31 this time, which obviously isn't old, but I really want to limit the anxiety this time around and I feel like having the definite genetic screen will make me feel better. But who knows... I may completely change my mind after our appointment in a few weeks.

ETA: Just saw the materniT21 test info in another post - I completely forgot about that option, but I remember it being a BFD in the news earlier this year. That might be what we end up going with if I can find an OB who will order the testing.

Anyone have any testing plans?

Charlie 8.06.08
Baby GIRL EDD 5.21.13

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