1st Trimester

No frequent urination...

Hi.... So I am 4 weeks 5 days today.  I have had 1 miscarriage ( July 2011) and 1 chemical pregnancy (January 2012) and I am nervous because I do not have to pee very frequently.  When I found out I was pregnant the first time (the m/c) I started having to pee constantly before I even got my BFP.  I still have some other symptoms.... my breasts are gigantic and sore, I get nauseous, I'm always tired, and I feel some kind of soemtimes crampy sometimes stretchy sensations in my lower abdomen.  My u/s to confirm that a little bean is growing in there isn't for another 2 weeks, I'm just a little nervous this is not normal.  Has anyone else found out they were pregnant and not had frequent urination?  I just would like to hear some others' stories.  I will be devastated to be disappointed again.... Thanks!
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