Single Parents

no commitment

My BD is someone I met about 2 months before I got pregnant. He pursued me and I decided to give him a chance. We started seeing each other without actually making anything official and then things changed. As my feelings for him got stronger, he started pulling away. By the time I decided I was just going to give up on it, I found out I was pregnant. He has said he will be supportive and cares, but he never seems to show it. He never even bothers to ask how I'm feeling. We still spend lots of time together and practically all of his and my friends think we're together because of how things are between us, but he won't commit to an actual relationship. I can't tell if its a fear of commitment or what. I am just really confused and need some advice. I've begun to worry. If he can't even commit to me, how will he commit our baby. He says he'll be there, but I'm having a hard time believing it. He says he'll do a lot of things and he doesn't always back them up.
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