1st Trimester

Anyone with fibromyalgia?

The earlier anxiety post got me thinking I could see if any of you ladies experienced fibromyalgia and can give tips on how you are coping.  I was on Savella which was a beautiful, unbelievable relief from pain I had at least since my last pregnancy around 5 years ago.  For me it seemed that the pain was something I could go through for 9 months so I went off the meds (I don't judge if any of you decided to stay on the meds).  I would normally be trying to take it as easy as possible so I don't have a severe flare up, but I am trying to move and sell my house so I have been doing ALOT of hard physical work at home not to mention going to work part-time.  So I have been taking hot showers about twice a day.  That seems to help a little.  Anything else?  If there are any of you out there please let me know what you are doing to keep the pain minor!
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