1st Trimester

Anxiously awaiting my dating u/s

Based on my LMP I'm 8wks. HOWEVER my first beta a week ago put me at 176 and the nurse told me 4-5wks maybe. This is pretty possible since I have NEVER had regular periods..so who knows when I ovulated.

Second beta showed them doubling (2 days later they were at 433). All is well there. But I'm anxiously awaiting my ultrasound for next week to date the pregnancy. It's so weird not really knowing how far along I am.

Took another beta draw yesterday, so anxiously awaiting those results today just to see if we're still on track. My FI is a ball of optimism and support so I couldn't be happier there.

Question is, how early is too early for an u/s? I fear that even next week we won't see much. 

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