1st Trimester

Need a job!

So I am moving to AZ in 3 weeks, and I was planning to find a job.  I'm a museum professional, but seeing as full-time jobs in that field are few and far between I just really wanted to find anything I'd enjoy.  Then I found out I'm pregnant.  I'm talking to my friend that worked in HR at several different places including a university, and she was like, "How are you going to get a job?"  Awesome.  According to her (and when I think about it it definitely makes sense) it's going to be hard to find a job once I start showing.  And since this is my second child I may start showing earlier.  So now I'm concerned I won't be able to find a job before I reach that point, and I'll have to wait until after the baby is born.  Ugh!
Said goodbye to our little angel 12/3/11 Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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