1st Trimester

Can I vent please?

I just want to vent a little bit about my frustration with my OB. She is a super amazing person and doctor, but the nurses and the ladies at the reception desk are super rude! We just found last Friday that we are pregnant, so I called the nurse to see if I could get my hcg and progesterone levels checked. I had 4 chemical pregnancies in the past 11 months and this is my first month using progesterone supplements, so I thought it would be a good idea to get those levels checked. Both the nurse and the doctor were with patients, so I talked to someone at the front desk. I explained my situation to her, but she was really rude and kept getting confused about what I was saying. She also got really mad when I asked her to repeat herself once because I didn't hear what she said. A few hours later a nurse called me back and left a message (I was in a meeting), saying that "the doctor said that you don't need any tests and to continue doing what you are doing" (her exact words). This morning I called to schedule my first prenatal visit and they scheduled me for October 23, when I am 10 weeks. I personally think that's WAY too long, but she's the doc, so whatever. I called back a couple of hours later to ask if I should continue taking the progesterone supplements. The nurse took down my info and another nurse (the one who left the message yesterday) called back like 20 minutes later. She sounded SO angry!! Her first words after "hello" were "Didn't you get my message yesterday?? I told you that if you are not bleeding, the doctor will not do any additional blood work and that you should continue taking the progesterone supplements." I was so mad! First of all, there was no need for her to be so rude, and second of all, she didn't say anything about bleeding or the progesterone in the message!! I really love my doctor and I really don't want to leave that clinic because of the rude nurses. My husband and I were originally thinking about using a midwife, but then I found this doctor and liked her so much that I decided to stay with her. The clinic is also within a walking distance from our apartment, which makes it VERY convenient. Uuugh! Sorry for venting, ladies. I just had to tell someone!
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