1st Trimester

Weird "Symptoms"

Hi All,

  I'm hoping someone will have heard of similar issues, or at least direct me in the right place to maybe find some answers.

 On aug 27 took a pregnancy test and it was positive.  On weds night i was cramping a little and spotting.  Thursday was worst and the spotting was more blood and red.  I called my doc and got in right away.  I know what this indicated.  Doc took my blood to measure my levels and sent me for a US.  She called me after the US and said it was what we suspected, they didn't see anything on the US but to come in on Sat for another blood draw; which I did.

On Tues 9-4 they called and said my levels had risen from Thurs to sat and to come in for another draw.  Again went in on Tuesday and did a draw.  They called me on weds morning and said my levels were STILL rising and needed a US in the next two days.  I scheduled one for the next day.  Went in for the US and they didn't see anything (still).  She now wants me to wait a week (until 9-13) to do another draw to see what my levels are at.  I took another test on 9-8 and it still says positive; it is actually a little darker than last time (same brand of PT mind you).  Mean while i am still spotting; but i am still crazy emotional, and sick to my stomach and tired.

 I am really anxious about waiting until Thursday to get another blood draw because I most likely won't get the results until after the weekend; and if i need to get into an OB then i would rather do it sooner rather than later.  They doctors all say I am 7 wks (ish).  

 Is it possible to miscarry and still have your hormones rising (from 276 to 1153 from Thursday to Tuesday)?  I have read it isn't possible because once you miscarry the hormones stop producing.  Has anyone else heard of this?  I'm really nervous because I technically have been in limbo in regards to if I am or not for over a week and a half.  

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