1st Trimester

Intercourse Bleeding Scare

I'm 10 weeks along and I was having an ideal first pregnancy, no morning sickness, heard and saw baby's heartbeat at 8 1/2 weeks, no scares until yesterday. During intercourse I started bleeding, it was more than just spotting, it lasted about 10 minutes, then it was just light spotting and finally it subsided by the end of the day, no bleeding today.  On a side note, I had no pains/cramps whatsoever, I felt and still feel completely fine, aside from being scared when it first happened.  

 I called my doctors office this morning and was advised that this was common in the first trimester and that since I had stopped bleeding, I should be fine, to go in if anything changed and I was also advised no more intercourse until after my next appointment (which is 3 weeks away).  I wanted to seek out my fellow bumpies to see if any of you have had or heard of similar experiences and what happened?

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