1st Trimester

do you?

I am only 6 weeks this week and have been having low dull aches, not cramps at all besides a few times when sneezing and the nurses have told me this is normal. This morning I believe I stood up too fast when going to the restroom and I got a little twinge at my left ovary.  When I went to use the restroom (#1) I had a more painful cramp (not severe) until I was done.  About 30 minutes later sitting at my desk I had about 5 little twinges that were more painful but still not a severe pain.  

 Has any of this happened to you guys?  Should I be worried?  

This is my 2nd pregnancy but I have had a m/c before so I continue to stay worried.. I didn't cramp or have aches, nothing with my little boy.


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