1st Trimester

How did you keep it together while trying?

Cross posting from TTGP, hope that's OK ...

 My DH and I (he's 33, I'm 32) have been trying for 5 cycles. Despite my best attempts not to analyze phantom symptoms and twinges, I had that "feeling" that we did everything right timing-wise and this could be the BFP cycle. I even had the most vivid dream last night about getting my positive hpt, telling DH, etc. It was one of those dreams that felt so real that you're not sure if it actually happened when you woke up.

Ten minutes later, AF arrived instead.I mean no disrespect to anyone who's been trying longer than I have, but I'm really having a hard time not losing it, mentally, about what this means. I'm so afraid that there's something wrong with one or both of us and I just wish I knew if that was the case now. If someone could tell me, 'you WILL be able to have children, there's just no guarantee when,' I think I could relax a whole lot more. Obviously, that's not gonna happen and I need to start sucking it up.After our first "well see?" cycle, I began using OPKs. I typically get positives for three days (all on FMU). My cycle before BCP was always 32-33 days. It was that way after BCP too, but now the last two cycles have been 27-28 days, out of the blue. I know I can't confirm ovulation without charting, but from what I can guess, it looks like my LP is 10 days which also stresses me out.On to my question (sorry this is so long) ... I'm on CD1 now. Should I suck it up and do the temping/charting this cycle? I tried for a half a cycle a few months back but it only increased my stress level about this process. Now that we're going into our sixth month of trying, I'm thinking maybe I should give it another shot and have a little more clarity about what's happening and when?I know that the rule of thumb is that it can take up to a year for a healthy couple with good timing to get pregnant. But now that I'm approaching the halfway mark, that doesn't really help my state of mind much. I'm definitely obsessing about this way more than I should.I also read an awful article on About.com that said "the longer you try unsuccessfully to conceive, the less likely you'll be able to without medical intervention." Pretty sure that's a load of crap but it's still weighing on my mind.

Any advice from others who've been in a similar situation would be helpful! Just a bad, bad day of the CD1 blues and I'd love to try to be less of a crazy person next cycle. 

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