1st Trimester

Need a New OB/GYN - Closer to Home or Work

Hi Ladies,

I'm looking for some advice on finding a new OB/GYN.  I got a BFP this weekend after being diagosned with a prolactinoma that kept me from ovulating for the past 6 months.  I've been treating with an RE, but was unhappy with my current OB when I wasn't getting a period for months earlier this year (not taking my concerns seriously, not following up with me with test results, not keeping accurate notes of our prior conversations/appointments).

So I'm looking to switch practices and for those of you that have been preggers and worked during your pregnancy full time, would you suggest a practice that is closer to you house or work?  There are 2 great hospitals that I would deliver at (different hospital systems so likely different practices) one is about 10-15 mins from my work and one is 10-15 mins from my home.  I'm going to ask my RE for reccomendations once I decide which hospital/area is going to be more convenient.

 TIA for any advice!

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