Single Parents

Anyone here work Full-time and live on their own?

Do most of you live with your parents and don't work or work parttime? I'd love to talk to some moms who are in a similar situation as me and can relate to my difficulties. I'm in my late 30's and have a 4 year old. My Xh is very involved in our childs life and has visitation every other weekend and every wednesday night. I just "celebrated" one year as a single mom and while I'm slowly adjusting to my new lifestyle, it still gets very lonely. I still get very sad/down when my boy not with me. I'm exhausted from working all week and struggling to keep up with house work. I don't go out with friends-in fact, I've lost touch with most of my friends as they are all stay at home moms (I was one too, before the divorce) and they are not available to hang out with me. I'm feeling lonley and isolated. I'm constantly worried about finances, trying to tighten my belt and save as much as possible. Last but not least, I have no family in the US. :( Can anyone else relate? 

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