1st Trimester

DDing (Dirty Deleting)

Since the first trimester board is where a lot of people start out, maybe we should have a quick discussion about DDing. No, I'm not talking about being a designated driver (thumbs up if you are). We're talking about Dirty Deleting. 

What is Dirty Deleting? Well, it's generally considered to be deleting a post you created after someone else has replied to it. Dirty Deletes normally happen after someone posts something and receives a reply they do not like. 


For (an absurd) example:

Original Post: "DH wants to name the baby Champion and I'm totally okay with that I just want to spell it like champeeun so I've decided to abstain from any sexual relationships with him until he gives in lol It worked when he tried to get me to quit smoking when we found out I was preggerz!


Harsh Reply: No. You're an idiot. Please put your child up for adoption.

Nicer reply: Well, your name choice is NMS, maybe come up with a compromise? Also, you should probably rethink smoking...

Other Reply: Wow. *insert funny gif*


Okay, so that's a pretty bad example... sometimes a person is simply embarrassed when it is pointed out that they are asking a question that other posters think has an obvious answer, or that someone just posted about or that they didn't think to google it first. Sometimes the OP thinks that the people who replied were rude and snarky, whatever the reason they decide to delete their post thinking it'll make everything better.

It doesn't. Deleting your post will cause people to REALLY get snarky. Also, deleting your post makes it so other people can't see it and learn from it. So if you get embarrassed, don't delete your post, reply that with how you feel and move on. If you're pissed because someone was a "meanie head" then just walk away and try some other board. 

So as you move forward through the bump, just remember that it's the internet and that people will tell you how they feel and the great part is you don't ever have to return to that url again.


Don't be mean to me or I'll totally DD this.  

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