
Incision Leaking???

I am sure this has been brought up before but... I had a CS on the 31st and my staples were removed on Friday the 6th and that night I woke up and thought I had either soaked through my pad or peed my pants, so I went to the bathroom and checked and had blood oozing out of my incision. My husband called the ER and the nurse was busy so I called the L&D where I had my son and they told me to put a pad on it and if it soaks through in an hour go in. Well it never soaked through but got alot in there. So the next morning we went to the walk-in clinic they looked at it and she said it was normal and just keep gauze pads on it should change it once a day or so. Well I have been changing it at least 4 times a day. I am just wondering if that much seepage is normal or if something else is wrong? I have quit putting guaze on it and am just wear a pad horizontally in my underwear to soak it all up. Its not a really dark brownish red its more of a darker pinkish somewhat redish ooze.
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