1st Trimester


Hey everyone! I used to be on the GP board years ago but was since divorced (he was alcoholic). However, now my boyfriend and I possibly just found out we may be pregnant. It is still early and I still dont want to believe it. I've miscarried back in 2001 and tried with the ex and it never happened. Well, Ive taken tests the past few days..the cheapies...had a very faint line before 10 min. now i just took a FRER and a line came up right away (tho it seems a light dash in it - see photo) but it wasn't FMU so I'm pretty ecstatic at the possibilty..this is my question, I've had a UTI, or so I think, so I took AZO--does anyone know if this affects the test? I would assume not since it doesnt have HCG but I've heard certain meds can...I tried calling the company but they are closed...was hoping someone had experience as the web wasn't any help to me...

 And on that note, does the line really look official?? I hope I can stick around on this board again.....



Lilypie Maternity tickers


m/c 2002 7w2d
bfp 9.6.12 | edd 5.17.13 | m/c 9.19.12 5w5d

bfp 10.18.12 | edd 6.27.13 *~*stick baby stick*~*
beta#1 10.18.12 - 96 / progestrone 32 || beta#2 10.22.12 - 711 || beta#3 10.25.12 - 2608

Pregnancy Blog

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