1st Trimester

Step-grandparents gift?

This is sort of a specific situation... I'm posting partly hoping someone else might have suggestions, partly just to vent my frustrations. lol

To announce our pregnancy, my husband and I are purchasing meaningful gifts for each of our close family members.  We've got just the right stuff for everyone... except the step-grandparents.  Now, don't get me wrong, we consider them to be grandparents just like the others... but the "step" situation seems to be impacting the gifts. lol

 My husband's step-father won't be too difficult to find something for, we're only "stuck" on ideas because he is already a grandfather and has received a lot of neat "grandpa" stuff from his children.  His son and daughter both sort of covered everything... hats, mugs, sweaters, window decals, etc.  We were hoping to find something a little more unique.  (My dad is a wine fan, so we ordered a bottle from Grandfather's Vineyard to announce the news to him.)

My husband's step-mother, however, is a tough one.  I want to get her a book, but all the "so you're going to be a grandma" style books mention having/raising children of your own... she didn't become a mom until my husband and his sister were already adults.  This woman accepted me as her daughter the very first time she met me, and I love her very much... I just wish I could find a book that won't remind her of something she is sensitive about.  My husband and I treat her like our mom, but she often mentions how she's "not a mother" and I want to tell her she's a grandmother without rubbing that in.  Am I being too cautious?  Should I just get her a "grandmother" book and not worry about the references to motherhood?

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