1st Trimester

Uterus size Larger than Dr. Expected: Multiples, Issues, Farther along, or What?!

Hi. I finally had my 1st appointment at 10 w, 6 d. During my exam the Dr. questioned if I had my dates correct because she thought I was farther along because of my uterus size. She said that if she heard the heartbeat right away, it meant I was farther along. Unfortunately, she didn't hear the heartbeat, but she said I shouldn't be discouraged. That it's unlikely to hear it so soon. She scheduled me for a ultrasound, but I have to wait 10 days. The Dr. Mentioned it could be multiples. When I got home I of course researched what else it could mean. I ended reading about issues that enlarge the uterus. Should I be worried? Has anyone else experienced this, and if so what was the outcome? Thanks.
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