Pregnant after IF

IFV Check-In (1 day late!)

Sorry IFV good excuse, other than our first week with kids back at school. I totally dropped the ball yesterday. Hoping things will calm down in my world and I will post next week on Wednesday, like I am supposed to!

 This is a check-in for ladies who have been around the IF block for a while and were active posters on Infertility Veterans.

I will post it weekly on Wednesdays!

QOTW:  How are you feeling? Any big appts coming up? What's your most favorite thing about fall? Do you decorate for fall specifically, not until Thanksgiving, or not at all? Feel free to PIP any fun fall decorations!


2/11 Diagnosis: DOR-AMH .62, LPD and MFI-4% Morph
IVF #1-July 2011 7/9/11-Started Stims
7/20/11-ER:No eggs in 4/5 follicles. Left the 5th follie intact and converted to an IUI
8/3/11-Beta #1=BFN,
Nov, 2011 BFP #1=m/c at 7 wks 3 days
11/11-AMH .47, IVF #2 March 2012...or not!! Surprise BFP on 2/19. Beta #1=161. Beta #2 305 Our little miracle girl is on her way! Due Oct 29, 2012
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