Pregnant after IF

I forgot to share!!

We are team blue! I had my anatomy scan a week or so ago, and we are thrilled!! My husband is definitely excited for a mini-him.

We have already started theming the nursery now that we have something more to work with, and we have decided to go with robots! Can't wait to share progress.

TTC since August 2010
4 failed cycles of clomid, 1 Femara IUI = BFN IVF #1- results 3/20- BFN
FET - April 17 - 2 frosties 5aa
Beta #1 9dp6dt- 4/26 - 344 BFP!!
Beta #2 13dp6dt- 4/30- 1385
u/s scheduled for 5/16
3 furbabies (1 pug mix, 2 tabby cats)
SAIF/PAIF welcome
BabyFruit Ticker
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