1st Trimester

Progesterone dosage

Ive had some spotting on and off for a couple days. Mostly brown but yesterday a little pink. No cramping or pain and it's stopped now. I'm going to doc today but I just realized...with my last pregnancy I was on 100mg of progesterone and they only put me on 50mg this time. The first time it was prometrium this time it's progesterone in olive oil as a suppository. Is one more effective then the other? Would it hurt to up my dose? I'm going to be pissed if I lose another over 50mg! Why didn't I notice this sooner! Grrrr!
DH, Jared 7/28/01; DD, Isabella Grace 11/28/06; said good-bye to baby 2 5/09 (11.5 weeks); said good-bye to Dakota Blu 11/09 (11.5 weeks); DS, Benjamin Cruz 12/6/10; said good-bye to babies 5 and 6 09/12 (8 weeks)

March Siggy Challenge, Irish Hottie: Dolores O'Riordan


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