1st Trimester

2nd time has been so much harder!!

Ughhhh I just need to vent!!!!! I am so happy to be pregnant but all I want is to feel somewhat normal again. It has been so much harder being pregnant this time with a 14 month old to care for. I feel sick to my stomach until at least 12 noon every day and all I want to do is sleep, constantly! I want to give my daughter all of the attention and energy from me she deserves, and I feel like I cant because I feel so awful. So on top of feeling like I have no energy to care for my daughter, I run an Etsy shop and work from home, and I tutor 15 hours a week in the evenings/Saturdays............. and my house is a total mess. My husband and family have been a help, but lately I just never feel well rested and like I'm getting any "me" time.  I just want to not feel like I've been run over by a Mac Truck 24/7. I dont think anyone gets how hard pregnancy can be unless youve been there, so thanks for listening!!!!!!!
IAmPregnant Ticker
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