
unexpected c-section-- expectable side effects?

I just delievered my daughter on monday by an emergency csection and i've got a few questions for those mommas out there who have experiance here! what did you do to help support your incision area after the surgery? currenlty, every time i get out of a seated/laying position, i have to hunch over and hold my abdomen for a few minutes while i walk around because it just feels.... odd. can or has anything helped you? i was a smaller girl before pregnancy so the extra tummy weight is weird for me. it hangs down and whenever i look in the mirror, i think of robin williams wearing that body suit in mrs. doubtfire. i know it wont go away over night, but how long did it take you to get rid of it, and how did you manage the awkwardness of it all? how long until you could sleep on your stomach? also, i'm going home tomorrow, so will i have to sleep on my back, like i have in the hospital bed, or can i sleep on my side if it's comfortable?
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