Single Parents

How likely is unsupervised visitation for him?

I just want to feel better until our court date in a month : 


He just filed for visitation but I feel very strongly and know that she will not be properly taken care of, and possibly in danger if he takes the baby anywhere alone.

He is with someone underage, on probation for  domestic violence, doesn't work.. I also have texts and messages from him saying that I had an abortion or a misscarriage throughout my pregnancy.

Through my pregnancy he lied, cheated, got someone else pregnant and only spent 20$ for the baby. I tried contacting him to make peace and make certain days a week to come see the baby, apparently thats not good enough because he just filed for a court date 

 His family also doesn't like the baby, never believed she was his and also wanted me to miscarry. They also threatened me while I was pregnant and have called the baby ugly and a mistake. His mother is a chain smoker and his dad also smokes and they both smoke in the house.

Also, he lied to the court about how long we were having sexual actions.


How likely is it to get visitation...  I just want to feel a little better.

Another GBCB. Except for real this time..
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