1st Trimester

hi! kinda long...

Hi! I am new here. I had my 1st ultrasound today and was overjoyed to see/hear the heart beat...this feels much more real now that I've seen our little tadpole. My due date is April 28, 2013- seems so far away- based on the date of our IUI I am 6w4d.

Here's the twist, I am young (27) and my husband was just diagnosed with brain cancer in January of this year. We had plans to try for a family around the beginning of the year but with his treatments (surgery, radiation, chemo) we put it off until now when things have settled down, at least a little. He has 2 months left on chemo and then we just sit back and try to live our lives until a reoccurance. We had to get pregnant via an IUI since the chemo makes conception dangerous until he has been off treatment for 6 months.

 So I have 2 questions for you ladies: 1) Is anyone else going through anything remotely similar? and 2) What do you think about our decision to start a family considering our situation?

We haven't told many people yet but I am anticipating we will be met with some opposition that things what we are doing is "selfish." I am fully committed 100% to being a single parent if it comes to that but the time we will spend together as a family is priceless. Our doctors agree that we can't put the rest of our lives on hold because of the cancer and if anything should quit procrastinating on the important things in life we want to accomplish.

 H&H 9 months to everyone reading! 


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