1st Trimester

I need help easing my mind.....

So, my husband and I have been married almost four years now and decided to start TTC in October. I know it has not been too long, but it sure has felt like an eternity! I finally took a test this past Monday because I was 3 weeks late for my AF. I was expecting the test to say negative because I have been late before and had plenty of negative tests. Well, it was positive, and so were the other two all different brands, and one was a digital to be safe. I am so happy, but I have been making myself crazy reading about false positives and miscarriage signs, probably because I am so in shock that I actually am pregnant! I am a little over 7 weeks if you count from my last period. I have been feeling like I was getting my period for days now, and I am cramping a bit. I read all about how it is normal to cramp and feel like your AF is coming in early pregnancy but I also read where it could mean trouble! I have my first ultrasound tomorrow and I am so worried it will be a bust.

Is it very normal for me to be feeling like my period is coming day after day? I have no spotting or bleeding, just period cramps, bloating and gas!



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