Pregnant after IF

Fell in love with my RE which is kinda awkward... Anyone else?

Thinking about this as i try not to fall asleep on my keyboard at work...

I have a huge crush on my RE. I go to a huge practice and I would seriously get all dressed up in the tiny chance i might get to see him. When i do see him, i think there's crazy chemistry - he talks really fast in nonsensical medical terms becuase i think he's nervous too. Then he gives me what i call the "vagimagic"... The whole thing is so strange.

Yesterday during my ultrasound was kinda odd... our mission together has definitley been accomplished. He successfully got me preg with another man's baby (my husband). But now our journey together is coming to an end and its a tiny bit bittersweet. Gonna miss seeing that guy...

Do other people feel like this about their RE's?

Anyway, thought this might give you guys a good LOL today...

Me: 32 - low ovarian reserve
DH: 39 - no issues
3 failed IUI's
IVF #1 3/12 - 13 eggs, 9 fertilized, 2 transferred (1 grade 2 blast, 1 early blast), no frosties 3/30/12 -first beta today, 9dp5dt spotting, BFNs on HPT's
IVF #2. 7/12 - 15 days of stims, 3 mature eggs, 3 fertilized (ICSI), 3 transferred (9, 8, 7 cell) on day 3. First beta - 8/21/12 = 105, beta #2 - 8/23/12 = 268, beta #3 - 8/30/12 = 2,352. 2nd u/s - 9/4/12

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