Single Parents

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I have been unhappy in our marriage for awhile, turns out he been to. We have been together since 2004 and married since 2009. We have one child who is only 9 months old. We have gone through alot together, and my husband suffers with undiagnosed manic deppression. He finally has it managed with medication. It really got bad last year while I was pregnant. He flies of the handle over the smallest issue. His voice was hoarse from yelling in my face. He says things to me that I probably would'nt say to my worst enemy. I never intentionally say things to hurt him, I could, but I dont. He has never hit me, and he points this out every chance he gets, but he doesnt realize how what he says is harmful too. I know I have resented him and grown away from him since this began last summer. He recently started this again and I dont think I could ever forgive him for the things he says to me. I know deep down I love him, and he loves me but I'm emotionally done.

Right now he is in Michigan fishing, and as of last night I talked him into counseling. After sleeping on it I completely changed my mind. I am planning on getting everything moved out by the time he gets home. I really do not want to cause any more drama. I feel like I am a very logical person and he is the complete opposite so I want to try not to make him angry.

All I'm asking for really is adice from those who have gone through similar situations.

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