Pregnant after IF

FET #1 is complete!

Hello all!  On Friday 8/31 we had our first FET, our first fresh IVF cycle failed in July, we used the 3 leftover fertilized eggs from this cycle.  I am 32, my hubby is 40 - we are dealing with severe MFI (I am ok, hubby has low sperm count).  We were very happy as all 3 made the thaw and were transferred, the doc said they looked great and all cells in each one survived the thaw.  We had 2 grade cell 6s and 1 grade cell 5.   In the cycle that failed they transferred grade cell 8s - our hopes were high as I have no issues and we thought for sure at least one would stick...thought wrong :(   I am just looking for some stories for those who have had sucess with a FET - what issues were you dealing with?   How many IVF/FET cycles did it take to get your BFP?  Did you have any symptoms before getting your BFP with FET?  Anything else you would like to share would be much appreciated, thank you! :)
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