Single Parents

Mom getting no weekend night free

OK, so my girls are always in bed at about 8:30, and over the past four years, I've grown quite accustomed to not going out until they were in bed. If I was still married (well, I technically am), I still wouldn't leave on a Friday night after work to go out. I'd wait till by girls are in bed.

So fast forward to now. STBXH and I have been operating under a schedule that gives him Friday and Saturday free from the kids. Fine by me. But after thinking about it and my mom insisting I advocate for myself - I suggested we move our schedule a day, giving me Friday night free (since the girls have to go to him me, I'd rather keep them). 

STBXH refuses, of course. "If it was OK for you before, why change it now?" I don't think a judge, if we took it that far, would force me to have no weekend while he gets it all. 

Then again, maybe they wouldn't care. Plus, I live with my mom right now. I can always go out after they're asleep. As I did for 4 years before.

So, any thoughts on this? I seriously don't care that much if I don't get to do happy hour on Fridays, but I might in 3 years when I'm dating. Should I force the issue now? Aren't there plenty of moms who get no weekend at all? (It just sucks that he gets everything he wants, like always.)



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