Pregnant after IF

Beach Bum also cautiously moving over here...

Cautiously making my way over here too... i didn't even want to post my bfp on the IF board b/c i'm so anxious/scared/nervous. I went in for my 1st u/s today and couldn't believe i saw something  in there (really? a baby?) besides a bunch of medically enlarged follicles... all i know is infertility, needle size, dosage amounts - not pregnancy...  Infertility = yes. Pregnant = who, me?

I went to the bookstore last night to buy some pregnancy books and i had a panic attack. Not only was it too much info but what happens if something goes wrong and then I'll own pregnancy books?  ugh.

On top of it all my RE had the miscarriage talk with me today...GRREAAAT... going to be a long week until i see that heartbeat...

Anyway, glad you guys are here for me as i am for you.

Me: 32 - low ovarian reserve
DH: 39 - no issues
3 failed IUI's
IVF #1 3/12 - 13 eggs, 9 fertilized, 2 transferred (1 grade 2 blast, 1 early blast), no frosties 3/30/12 -first beta today, 9dp5dt spotting, BFNs on HPT's
IVF #2. 7/12 - 15 days of stims, 3 mature eggs, 3 fertilized (ICSI), 3 transferred (9, 8, 7 cell) on day 3. First beta - 8/21/12 = 105, beta #2 - 8/23/12 = 268, beta #3 - 8/30/12 = 2,352. 2nd u/s - 9/4/12

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