1st Trimester

Lost my baby :(

I went to an emergency ultra sound last wednesday and they did the normal ultra sound on top of my stomach because I was 12 weeks pregnant and she said "we are expecting a baby kicking and moving around in there" and there was nothing, she was looking every where and no baby. So she said there wasnt a 12 week baby in there like expected so she did the early pregnancy ultra sound, and it was tiny still the size it was when I had my first ultra sound at 6 weeks, except this time with no heart beat. It turns out I lost it 6 weeks ago and it was still just in there and I had no idea. I was completely heart broken. I heard it happens 1 out of every 4 pregnancys but I dont get why when nothing is wrong with me and I did everything right. I took the pills and had to bleed it out :( it was horrible.
Kaitlin Reed
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