Pregnant after IF

My second beta

We are still in the game!

We JUST doubled.. should have been 128 and we hit 130..

progesterone up from 5.9 to 33

estrogen up over 350 (i think he said 380 but I can't remember)

DH and I wanted a higher number so we could breathe again but the just doubling will have to do for now...

RE was very positive about it and when I asked what were the chances it was chemical he said (while chewing on the apple cake I brought) "YOu have a good a chance as any that it will all be ok. Will you STOP worrying about what might happen? and just enjoy it!!!"

Then the nurse emailed me and said "YEAH!!"

I realized that they know a heck of a lot more than I do and if they are happy and excited I need to take a page out of their book for a few days. Next beta is Friday.. aiming for over 390!

I am going to cautiously move here from IF if that is ok...

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