Pregnant after IF

joining you FINALLY from the IF board!

Hi girls,

Congrats to all of you. I hope i will get to stick around here through the end! Of course with IF you always have some negative thoughts, i still can't believe i am here.

My fiance and i have been ttc for 22months and tried a few different things and were told that we had to do IVF and i only had a 1% chance to get pregnant on my own at age 40, so we sadly accepted that and were gearing up to start in Sept well low and behold i got pregnant on my own! what a godsend! we were so stressed thinking of how to pay for it and how many cycles it would take. anyway, i just got my 1st beta and it was 1815 and progestrone is 19!

praying that my progestrone keeps improving as that has been an issue.

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