Pregnant after IF

Intro (coming over from may 2013 and TTTC)

Small background. Donated my eggs at an Infertility clinic about 5+ years ago, starting going through my own infertility after not getting pregnant (off the pill) after two years. Started clomid etc as outlined in my signature. Finally got our first real BFP and have our u/s at 6 1/2 weeks on Monday.

I came over because I am starting to wonder where I belong. I have been on the May 2013 board (Due May 2 2013) but sometimes its hard to relate to people who have not gone through what I have gone through. Although I know that even my experience has not been as hard as others, its hard to relate on things still the same. While I am not a person to be offended or hurt by others success, sometimes it still does hit home. Just wanted to say HI and see if i could join you ladies on this journey. I am so excited and cannot wait for Monday.

(ALSO still VERY nervous as its SO early)

Egg Donor 4 Times! Stopped BCP December 2009 3 rounds clomid unmonitored through OB = BFN IUI #1 200mg Clomid (IUI) - BFN IUI #2 200mg Clomid (IUI) - Chemical IUI #3 Cancelled (IUI) - Overstimulated Follistim Round #1 (TI) - BFN Follistim Round #2 (TI) 125iu's day 3-11, high estradiol CD7, CD9 u/s shows lots of follicles doing nothing, adding Repronex and lowering Follistim dose starting CD9. Repronex for 4 days. Trigger Shot pm of CD 12; BFP 9 dpo! Beta 8/21: 48!! Beta 8/23: 113 Progesterone=39 First U/S 9-10 at 6 weeks 4 days = Identical TWINS!!!! Baby A & Baby B measuring 6 weeks 2 days HB of 126 & 132 SO excited and NOT EXPECTED!!!! BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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