Pregnant after IF


So I am in between the 19 and 20 week mark, feeling good but obviously already feeling the effects of being pg with twins vs a singleton. I find my energy level is lower in the afternoons and I really can't be on my feet all day without getting backaches and cramping. Other than that though, I am doing really well.

I wanted to go visit my brother at the end of this month - he's in the TN area so it's a couple hour flight from here. Thing is, DH can't come because of his work schedule. I'm an extremely anxious flyer, and would pretty much rather get a root canal than do it. But my brother would love for me to visit and I feel like it's one of the last times I'll be able to go before the twins come. I'm just really nervous and anxious to A) fly alone, both ways and B) travel without DH. I know it sounds lame, but pregnancy has made me very anxious and I'm really scared to go 30,000 feet in the air being pregnant with twins and having no one on that damn plane who knows me. What if something happens? What if something goes wrong? Am I being extremely lame? I don't have a doc appt for a couple more weeks so by that point I can't book the flight anyway. Fwiw, DH (who is usually on board with me doing anything and everything!) thinks that I should not fly or travel if its unnecessary.... WWPAIF do?

TTC #1 Since January 2011 Dx: PCOS and Anovulatory April 2012 BFP! Beta 1 5/22 - 1,000+ Beta 2 5/24 - 3,009 1st u/s 6/5 - TWINS!!! A/S Reveals we are Team PURPLE!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image
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