1st Trimester

Vent! - kinda long

I am so frustrated!!! my husband wants me to start this Paleo diet with him so i told him id try it. Basically the only thing i can eat is meat fruit and veggies. But its been pretty hard for me so i had a piece of toast this morning with my eggs and he FLIPPED! Said i was such a failure and hes done trying with me. I mean *** its not like im eating pancakes soaked in syrup or a burger and fries at every meal... no i wanted some damn toast! I am eating healthy and i have been for a while now. I just dont get how hes expects me to completely change my lifestyle while im pregnant! I try to explain to him its not good for my body to just up and change *** like that but he doesnt care. I mean he wants me to go to the gym all the time and do this paleo diet but i am also working full time and going to school full time along with taking care of the hous ehim and my dogs while trying to get rest when i can! I cant help that im constantly tired or if meat isnt enough for a meal! ugh. maybe im just overreacting but i dont think so. 
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