
What should I expect?

Little one has IUGR and I have pre-e.  Little One has had decels before even starting the induction process and they don't think he will tolerate labor well so I will get a c-section tomorrow at 12:30 with my doctor unless he decels again and then I will end up with an emergency c-section with the on-call doc.

Any insight? What should I expect?

DX: DOR & Fragile X premutation carrier 2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8 BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ LO born 9/4/12 Feb. 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) ~ FSH 6.8 (normal)
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