March 2013 Moms

Most scariest weekend with a happy ending

I had the most scariest weekend.  Found out on Friday my blood test came back positive for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18.  Had to go in and meet a genetic counselor to discuss what all this meant.....of course crying the whole time.  DH and I decided to get a CVS test done to confirm this.  Surprisingly, the needle they plunged into my stomach wasn't as bad as I thought, but we had to sit and wait for the results for 2 whole days!!! 

We got the results yesterday.......and they were good!!!!!  Baby is healthy and doing fine!  Someone from above was definitely looking down on us over this!  It was the scariest time for me ever just waiting, but in the end had the best results!

Oh, and found out its a......GIRL!!! 

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