Pregnant after IF

Too many ultrasounds?

I'm starting to feel like my doctors are taking advantage of my health insurance, and it's irritating me.  I've had about 8 ultrasounds-- 3 with my RE (I'd say the last one was unnecessary; it was only a week after the previous one); then I had a 10-week u/s at my OB to "confirm my pregnancy"; at which they thought they had seen an umbilical hernia (silly at 10 weeks; all babies have that at that time), so I was sent to an MFM. 

The MFM did an u/s, and said everything is fine, BUT let's schedule a follow-up at 18 weeks just to be sure.  Had 12 week NT at OB.  Just went to my MFM 18 week appt, and they did a full anatomy scan (didn't tell me they were going to do that; thank goodness DH had come), then said they didn't feel like they had seen the heart enough (but all looked good), and wanted me to come back AGAIN 4 weeks later.

I have an anatomy scan scheduled at 21 weeks with my OB (which I intend to cancel).  And I'm thinking I will cancel this MFM appt in 4 weeks too; it just seems ridiculous. Baby and I have always been healthy; no identified issues.

Am I crazy, or are they just milking my insurance?

TTC #1 Since 8/2010
Me: 34, DH: 35 DX: DOR (FSH 14.9, AMH 0.67, AFC ~10) and Egg Quality
IUI #1-3, 100 mg Clomid: BFN
uterine fibroid removed 1/18/12
IVF #1 Feb 2012. MDFL protocol w/ Met. 7 ER, 0F.
May Donor Egg IVF cycle:3 EF, 1 blast ET 5/12, 2 frosties
BFP 5/21! beta #1 5/22 306 beta #2 5/24 818 beta #3 5/31 15,038. HB 6w4d 120bpm
EDD 1/28/2013
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