Pregnant after IF

Introducing Miss M :) (several PIPs)

Hey Ladies,
As promised, here are some photos of our new little bundle of joy. We are over the moon. The blue light in the first pic is the bili blanket to help with a touch of jaundice. We had a dr appt today and she is in the clear! Our lives just got a lot simpler now that we don't have to bf, pump and supplement with each feeding. That was a full time job!

Fun fact: Apparently, all that heartburn is a sign of a full head of hair (according to the nurses). Might be an old wives tale, but it was true for us Wink

With the bili blanket for her jaundice

All wrapped up in her favorite swaddling blanket

waiting for our wheel chair to escape the hospital :)

My going home outfit :)

Looking forward to seeing everyone over on SAIF soon Big Smile

After a loss and 4 IUIs, a surprise BFP while on rest cycle due to cysts and "supercharged ovaries" brought us baby M.
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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