
Stomach tenderness help!!!!

Hi! Four and a half weeks ago I gave birth to my sweet little boy after 34 hours of them trying to induce labor followed by a c-section. I felt FANTASTIC and seemed to recover effortlessly and quickly. Within two days following the c-section I was truly up and moving around, but trying to take it easy to avoid damaging anything. Within a week and a half my bleeding had totally stopped and the "tenderness" I felt in my stomach/uterus was totally gone!! 

 Now, three weeks later, the tenderness has returned and sometimes makes walking and other movements difficult. This morning while in bed, I tried to roll over and thought I was going to die for split second due to the sudden feeling of discomfort I was experiencing.  It is a feeling I can't quite describe. It is  somewhat similar to the feeling shortly after the c-section mixed with the feeling of severe round ligament pains.  I can't lie on my side at all and when my stomach is fully stretched (like stretching while lying down on back) the pain occurs.

 I called the Dr. and the nurse said that it sounds like it is just my period since the bleeding has also returned. The bleeding is bright red and somewhat heavy. I go through, though, only 2 pads during the day. The pain in the stomach doesn't feel like cramps at all, but rather very tender and seems centrally located in the lower abdomen.The nurse didn't seem concerned since I had no odor, no fever, and the bleeding wasn't requiring me to change the pad every hour. 

 Has this happened to anyone else? I have my pp check up next Tuesday. My husband is concerned though and says I should  call the Dr. again...I just feel silly doing so.  



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