Pregnant after IF

First U/S... Check! And guess what.......

It's TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had such a strong feeling that both of our little embies stuck, but it was such a good feeling to have it confirmed!  I think I'm still on shock from the news!  Next u/s is Sept 11th and I'm definitely keeping my FX that we see 2 good, strong heartbeats!!

TTC since March 2011 ~ ME (27), DH (47)
IVF #1 - Follistim + Menopur beginning 6/10, Lupron Trigger 6/20, Retrieval 6/22
ER - 19, 10 fertilized with ICSI; ET postponed to 08/2012 due to risk of OHSS
FET 08/14/12 - 2 5-day blasts transferred
5dp5dt - hpt = BFP!!!
08/19 Beta 1 = 39; 08/24 Beta 2 = 384; 8/28 Beta 3 = 2612!!
First U/S 8/30/12 = IT'S TWINS!!!
11/30/12 A/S - TWO GIRLS!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Skylar Elena and Hollyn Isabella will be here Spring 2013!
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