Dads & Dads-to-be

Ten Things Thursday

I'm borrowing this from one of the month boards my wife is on.  It is pretty simple.  Just list 10 things going on with you this week ranging from baby news, to work stuff, to pretty much anything.


I'll go:

1) My wife told me she felt the baby move a couple of times this week, at 13 weeks.  Makes it feel more real for me, even if I can't feel it for another couple months.

2) I'm glad pre-season football is just about done, I'm ready for the regular season to start.

3) I think I'm one of the few people NOT looking forward to the Labor Day weekend.  My line of work has us work extra hard during holidays, not getting days off, so holidays aren't that big of a deal for me.

4) My wife is down with a cold.  I actually like taking care of her, but hate it when she's sick.

5) I've been doing a lot of work on our son's new bedroom so he doesn't feel like he's being shoved out when the new baby comes, instead he'll be in his room for a few months before hand.

6) My son is supposed to be taking his nap, he's been in the crib for an hour, but I can still hear him carrying on a conversation with himself through the monitor.

7) Today is my Sunday and I'm not looking forward to going to work tomorrow.

8) I think there should be 2 dad boards, one for just the dads and another called "Ask a Dad" for the women seeking advice.

9) With Madden coming out this week, I miss my XBox 360, it broke just before my son was born and have yet to replace it.

10) I made my son a blanket tent today and he promptly tore it to the ground in less than 10 minutes.


That is the rough idea.  If it goes well, maybe it'll be a weekly deal.  If this post dies a quick death, call it a failed experiment to liven up the board where it isn't someone asking for a male point of view.

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