
Good repeat c/s experience

Wanted to give my RCS experience to everyone b/c I know there are always a lot of questions.  I'm now 8 days post c/section.

Pretty uneventful surgery.  We had one issue w/ getting the spinal in but it turns out it was my "fault" in a way.  When I got up on the OR table, I sat indian style bc I swore that was how I sat when I got it w/ my DD.  They couldn't get it in that way and I had to turn to the side and hang my legs over.  A couple days later I remembered w/ DD I actually sat like I was on a surf board, straddling the table and had no issues.  So I sort of take some responsibility for that b/c I said that's how I wanted to sit. 

They started surgery at 12:24 and my baby boy was born at 12:37.  He was team green so we were super excited to learn the sex.  My OB was taking him out and saying 'he's got a ton of hair"  and then asked H if he wanted to look and announce the sex but he's squeamish so he declined looking LOL. 

They took him into the other room where I could still see and called H in a few minutes later so he could take pictures.  They cleaned him, weighed and measure him and then brought him over to me for a few pictures. He then got taken to the nursery and H went w/ him. I got finished up as my OB, her partner, and I talked about 50 shades of Grey.  LOL.  The poor anesthesiologist was the only guy in there and was like WTF? 

I got to recovery probably around 1:30??  I don't really remember.  They brought Jackson in around 3 just as they were about to take me to my room.  It was about the same amount of time it took for them to bring DD in when she was born. 

Recovery has been very very smooth.  Poor Jackson ended up in the NICU for about a day 1/2 bc of low blood sugar.  That was so sad. I had to keep walking across the maternity floor @ 24 hours post surgery to the nicu from my room so that seemed to speed along recovery.  I was sore as hell the next day though so I actually took some pain meds.  All in all, I probably took less than 10 tylenol w/ codeine and only 1 since I got home on Saturday.  I was disconnected from all my IV and catheter wires by 24 hours post surgery.  I was able to pee right away which the nurse seemed very happy about.  My bleeding was never heavy and the only times I really had any bleeding was once I came home was when I was up and down a lot b/c honestly I've been stupid and have not really taken it easy.  Right now, I am not bleeding at all and haven't in about 24 hours.  I'm sure I will have some break thru bleeding over the next few weeks but I'm pretty happy w/ my recovery. 

If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer them!

BFP #1 5/10/06 ...m/mc @11.5w 6/29/06 D&C 6/30/06
BFP #2 10/29/08 ...stillborn via c/s @41w 7/20/09
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
missing my baby everyday
BFP #3 1/20/10 My angel's little sister Grace Madison was born September 8th 2010 @37w. We're so blessed! Thank you angel for getting her here safely.
BFP #4 12/30/11. Jackson Christopher 8/22/2012 via repeat c/s @ 37w 3d
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